My Puzzles of 2022: Third Year’s a Charm?

A stack of jigsaw puzzles

2023 marks three years since I started this modest blog and began documenting my puzzles. This is the third overview of puzzles I solved in the year.  Here are the previous years’ overview posts: my puzzles solved in 2021, puzzles solved in 2020. And the newest one: jigsaws I finished in 2023. Well, to describe 2022… I … Read more

My Puzzles of 2021: Year Two in Review

a pile of jigsaw puzzle boxes

Here we are a year later with another overview of all the puzzles I solved last year. If you like any of them so much that you’d like to get one yourself as well, I include (affiliate) Amazon links when applicable. 2021 was a year that I spent puzzling. Other than working (a lot) and … Read more

My Puzzles of 2020: A Year in Review

Stack of jigsaw puzzle boxes

Ok, let’s see if a personal type of post will interest you at all. 🙂 I’ve mostly written information posts so I’m testing new waters now! In 2020, I completed 9 puzzles. It was a year my love of puzzles was rekindled after being dormant for a few decades (read more on my About page). … Read more

History of Jigsaw Puzzles: How Did It All Begin?

Jigsaw History Concept

If you’ve been a puzzle fan for a while, you might have grown more interested in the history of jigsaw puzzles. Right? Well, I did too. I researched and researched.. and then wrote this little piece on jigsaw history that I hope you’ll enjoy. We’ll look into who invented jigsaw puzzles and everything that followed. … Read more

Are Jigsaw Puzzles a Waste of Time?

Jigsaw puzzle pieces and a magnifier

The higher the puzzle piece count and the more challenging motif, and you might start wondering whether jigsaw puzzles are a waste of time. Trust me, I’ve been there too, and I love puzzles. The answer to the question is a clear no. Don’t worry, I’ll elaborate on the why’s. To keep things as objective … Read more